Saturday, June 19, 2010


I suppose I've been either playing too much Assassin's Creed or am just so thoroughly in love with the game and it's concepts (especially part 2). So i guess here's my fan art for it.

There's a small twist on the medium used here. Base sketch done on Sony Ericsson's Xperia X10 phone and colors on Photoshop CS4 as usual.

Upload again.. I shall!

Love & Nails,

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Lone Rock

Whew! This was one heck of a piece to do.. and why the sigh of relief heading this post? Well, that's because there was a TIGHT deadline for this one. But I managed to finish it in time and i'm quite pleased with the turn out. :boogie:

Done from scratch on CS4 using an Intuos 3. :meditate:

Until I'm back.

Love & Nails,

P.S. I've also started tweeting. So click on the ''twitter'' button to follow. :aww: