Thursday, March 18, 2010

Point Blank

Alright! Time for the narcissist in me to rear his head again! This was a quickie done at work, using CS4 & an Intuos 3, of me and a gun. I'm more of a sword/knife person though so I thought "why not just this once?" :katana::nod:

NOTE: If you look carefully, the handle on the spectacles isn't a "rough" bit, it's because one of my spectacle handles is fine while the other broke due to one alcohol-based night and resulted in "handyman repair" mode the next time alcohol was around, by me manually sitting down for half an hour an attaching a sturdy wire to my glasses with a LOT of winding and winding and winding. :paranoid:

I Am Genius! :crazy:

Yes, I know I've been inactive for quite a while and I suppose most of that credit goes to the fact that I've been tied down with work.

OBSERVATION: "Clients" are strange beings (most of them atleast).

NOTE: Alcohol is awesome! Ladies, the way to a guy's heart is through their stomach (or lower regions in most cases I suppose) but with me, sing me a Whiskey Lullaby and I'll do thy bidding. :D

Until the next post.

Love & Nails,

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